Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A friend.

Un ami, c'est quelqu'un qui sait tout de vous et vous aime toujours!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Never To Late - Three Days Grace

heard this song it helped me a lot..hopefully it will help you to

Remember This

I know what it's like getting bullied, I've bullied since I was 5 years old.
Trust me when I say we can make it through anything with the help of friends.
If it wasn't for my bestest friend in the whole world Ivol, I probably wouldnt be here right now.

Now remember you are the heart inside of me and if you give up tonight you give up on me.
Also remember that I love every single one of you! <3

                                           STAY STRONG

To Writ Love on Her Arms - Hawthorne Heights

Describes me and some of my friends.

Love This

Haters Make Us Famous

Haters make us famous!

So all the haters out there just keep on hatin!

Throughout life

"Throughout life people will
make you mad, disrespect you, and treat you bad,
let God deal with the things they do,
cause hate in your heart will consume you too."

-Will Smith

No Judging.

People judge us because our makeup is bad,
Or we dress different,
Or we listen to different music than they do.
To me none of that matters, we are all human, we are equal.
No one deserves to be judged. But, yet they are.
For some being judged makes them deppressed and pushes them to self harm.
Remember we are all equal, and no one deserves this.